sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Gold Coast Au

montório. Em um dia em que poderia ser um pouco agitado em toda a parte ao longo da costa, você pode apostar que o dólar baixo há um canto protegido - See more at: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pt-BR&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=en&u=http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/&usg=ALkJrhi0ljixq6DUxInV9P100nexDHLhvw#sthash.IgzrZpWa.dpuf

Burleigh Heads, or simply Burleigh to locals, sits like a cool comma between Surfers Paradise to the north and Coolangatta to the south. It’s a picturesque punctuation mark along the Gold Coast and most definitely somewhere to pause.

Let’s start with the beach, which enjoys dual popularity with those who like to swim in her protected waters and those who love to surf around the headland. On a day when it might be a little choppy everywhere else along the Coast, you can bet your bottom dollar there’s a protected corner at Burleigh in which to dip. Even strict landlubbers will adore this destination for the Burleigh Heads National Park which wraps around the headline like a fashionable head scarf, offering views of the ocean on the left and a number of walking trails and wildlife to experience.

The Burleigh foreshore is home to towering fragrant pine trees characteristic of the coast and in this parkland there are plenty of places in which to picnic or barbecue. This is also an ideal spot for regular art and craft markets, where you haggle and forage along the - See more at: http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/#sthash.2mbdPvjx.dpuf
Burleigh Heads, or simply Burleigh to locals, sits like a cool comma between Surfers Paradise to the north and Coolangatta to the south. It’s a picturesque punctuation mark along the Gold Coast and most definitely somewhere to pause.

Let’s start with the beach, which enjoys dual popularity with those who like to swim in her protected waters and those who love to surf around the headland. On a day when it might be a little choppy everywhere else along the Coast, you can bet your bottom dollar there’s a protected corner at Burleigh in which to dip. Even strict landlubbers will adore this destination for the Burleigh Heads National Park which wraps around the headline like a fashionable head scarf, offering views of the ocean on the left and a number of walking trails and wildlife to experience.

The Burleigh foreshore is home to towering fragrant pine trees characteristic of the coast and in this parkland there are plenty of places in which to picnic or barbecue. This is also an ideal spot for regular art and craft markets, where you haggle and forage along the - See more at: http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/#sthash.2mbdPvjx.dpuf
Burleigh Heads, or simply Burleigh to locals, sits like a cool comma between Surfers Paradise to the north and Coolangatta to the south. It’s a picturesque punctuation mark along the Gold Coast and most definitely somewhere to pause.

Let’s start with the beach, which enjoys dual popularity with those who like to swim in her protected waters and those who love to surf around the headland. On a day when it might be a little choppy everywhere else along the Coast, you can bet your bottom dollar there’s a protected corner at Burleigh in which to dip. Even strict landlubbers will adore this destination for the Burleigh Heads National Park which wraps around the headline like a fashionable head scarf, offering views of the ocean on the left and a number of walking trails and wildlife to experience.

The Burleigh foreshore is home to towering fragrant pine trees characteristic of the coast and in this parkland there are plenty of places in which to picnic or barbecue. This is also an ideal spot for regular art and craft markets, where you haggle and forage along the - See more at: http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/#sthash.2mbdPvjx.dpuf
Burleigh Heads, or simply Burleigh to locals, sits like a cool comma between Surfers Paradise to the north and Coolangatta to the south. It’s a picturesque punctuation mark along the Gold Coast and most definitely somewhere to pause.

Let’s start with the beach, which enjoys dual popularity with those who like to swim in her protected waters and those who love to surf around the headland. On a day when it might be a little choppy everywhere else along the Coast, you can bet your bottom dollar there’s a protected corner at Burleigh in which to dip. Even strict landlubbers will adore this destination for the Burleigh Heads National Park which wraps around the headline like a fashionable head scarf, offering views of the ocean on the left and a number of walking trails and wildlife to experience.

The Burleigh foreshore is home to towering fragrant pine trees characteristic of the coast and in this parkland there are plenty of places in which to picnic or barbecue. This is also an ideal spot for regular art and craft markets, where you haggle and forage along the - See more at: http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/#sthash.2mbdPvjx.dpuf
urleigh Heads, ou simplesmente para Burleigh moradores, senta-se como uma vírgula legal entre Surfers Paradise para o norte e Coolangatta para o sul. É um sinal de pontuação pitoresca ao longo da Gold Coast e mais definitivamente um lugar para fazer uma pausa. - See more at: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pt-BR&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=en&u=http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/&usg=ALkJrhi0ljixq6DUxInV9P100nexDHLhvw#sthash.IgzrZpWa.dpuf

Burleigh Heads, or simply Burleigh to locals, sits like a cool comma between Surfers Paradise to the north and Coolangatta to the south. It’s a picturesque punctuation mark along the Gold Coast and most definitely somewhere to pause.

Let’s start with the beach, which enjoys dual popularity with those who like to swim in her protected waters and those who love to surf around the headland. On a day when it might be a little choppy everywhere else along the Coast, you can bet your bottom dollar there’s a protected corner at Burleigh in which to dip. Even strict landlubbers will adore this destination for the Burleigh Heads National Park which wraps around the headline like a fashionable head scarf, offering views of the ocean on the left and a number of walking trails and wildlife to experience.

The Burleigh foreshore is home to towering fragrant pine trees characteristic of the coast and in this parkland there are plenty of places in which to picnic or barbecue. This is also an ideal spot for regular art and craft markets, where you haggle and forage along the - See more at: http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/#sthash.2mbdPvjx.dpufVV
Burleigh Heads, ou simplesmente para Burleigh moradores, senta-se como uma vírgula legal entre Surfers Paradise para o norte e Coolangatta para o sul. É um sinal de pontuação pitoresca ao longo da Gold Coast e mais definitivamente um lugar para fazer uma pausa.

Vamos começar com a praia, que goza de popularidade dupla com aqueles que gostam de nadar em suas águas protegidas e aqueles que gostam de navegar ao redor do promontório. Em um dia em que poderia ser um pouco agitado em toda a parte ao longo da costa, você pode apostar que o dólar baixo há um canto protegido em Burleigh em que a mergulhar. Mesmo landlubbers rigorosos adore este destino para o Burleigh Heads Parque Nacional que envolve em torno do título como um lenço de cabeça na moda, oferecendo vistas sobre o oceano à esquerda e uma série de trilhas para caminhada e vida selvagem para experimentar. - See more at: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pt-BR&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=en&u=http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/&usg=ALkJrhi0ljixq6DUxInV9P100nexDHLhvw#sthash.IgzrZpWa.dpuf
Burleigh Heads, ou simplesmente para Burleigh moradores, senta-se como uma vírgula legal entre Surfers Paradise para o norte e Coolangatta para o sul. É um sinal de pontuação pitoresca ao longo da Gold Coast e mais definitivamente um lugar para fazer uma pausa.

Vamos começar com a praia, que goza de popularidade dupla com aqueles que gostam de nadar em suas águas protegidas e aqueles que gostam de navegar ao redor do promontório. Em um dia em que poderia ser um pouco agitado em toda a parte ao longo da costa, você pode apostar que o dólar baixo há um canto protegido em Burleigh em que a mergulhar. Mesmo landlubbers rigorosos adore este destino para o Burleigh Heads Parque Nacional que envolve em torno do título como um lenço de cabeça na moda, oferecendo vistas sobre o oceano à esquerda e uma série de trilhas para caminhada e vida selvagem para experimentar. - See more at: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pt-BR&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=en&u=http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/&usg=ALkJrhi0ljixq6DUxInV9P100nexDHLhvw#sthash.IgzrZpWa.dpuf

Burleigh Heads, ou simplesmente para Burleigh moradores, senta-se como uma vírgula legal entre Surfers Paradise para o norte e Coolangatta para o sul. É um sinal de pontuação pitoresca ao longo da Gold Coast e mais definitivamente um lugar para fazer uma pausa.

Vamos começar com a praia, que goza de popularidade dupla com aqueles que gostam de nadar em suas águas protegidas e aqueles que gostam de navegar ao redor do promontório. Em um dia em que poderia ser um pouco agitado em toda a parte ao longo da costa, você pode apostar que o dólar baixo há um canto protegido em Burleigh em que a mergulhar. Mesmo landlubbers rigorosos adore este destino para o Burleigh Heads Parque Nacional que envolve em torno do título como um lenço de cabeça na moda, oferecendo vistas sobre o oceano à esquerda e uma série de trilhas para caminhada e vida selvagem para experimentar.
- See more at: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pt-BR&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=en&u=http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/places-to-see/burleigh-heads/&usg=ALkJrhi0ljixq6DUxInV9P100nexDHLhvw#sthash.IgzrZpWa.dpuf


domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Visualizações do Boleiros pelo Mundo

Visualizações do Boleiros pelo Mundo, Estados Unidos, Portugal e Alemanha, foram os destaques, brigaduuuuuuu, bjkas Marcão
